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71 items found for "LESSON PLAN"


    Follow Up lesson #1: Objective: to learn and discuss different types of families. Follow Up lesson #2: Objective: to raise awareness and support other families.


    Have your child think of a time when things didn’t go as planned for them and share how they felt. Follow Up lesson # 1 – Invention by You: 1. What would you do if your invention turns out differently than planned? 5. Follow Up lesson # 2 – Creativity Book: Learn to think outside the box by doing the exercises in our emotions Exhibiting self-discipline and self-motivation Setting personal and collective goals Using planning


    FOLLOW UP LESSON #1: Objective: to help kids understand the science of menstruation. FOLLOW UP LESSON #2: Objective: to allow kids to express their idea about menstruation in a creative Ask the children to write why periods happen and why it’s important to have them (based on follow-up lesson LESSO PLAN COMPETENCIES CASEL COMPETENCIES Self-Awareness: Integrating personal and social identities


    Follow Up lesson 1 - The Effects of bullying: Objective: to show kids how their behavior affects other Follow Up lesson #2 - Positive Affirmations: Objective: to teach kids self-love so they don’t feel like


    Follow Up lesson #1: Objective: to give children the opportunity to get to know better other kids in Follow Up lesson #2: Objective: to give kids a chance to introduce themselves in a positive way to the


    You can play as many rounds as you wish. please give a chance to all children who would like to participate


    ., for growth; plant. Pensive - dreamily or wistfully thoughtful.


    (example could be playing a sport/game but in the end loosing). Watch this amazing step by step lesson of making mono print by the fabulous Mr. P. purpose Self-Management: Managing one’s emotions Exhibiting self-discipline and self-motivation Using planning


    The parent/teacher and child will: Read Mistake’s story of the month 'MUSICAL FRIENDS'. (PreK-2 read aloud with a parent. 3-5 silent read independently). Have the child identify the main idea of the story (tell it in their own words). Have your child share about how music makes them feel. Ask your child what are some ways they like to express themselves in music. Discuss the vocabulary words on the next page with your child. Have your child re-tell the definitions of the vocab words in their own words. VOCABULARY Shrugged – raising and drawing in the shoulders. Meadow – an open field of grass growing wild. Cautious – careful. Startle – to alarm suddenly; surprise, scare. Shivering – shaking. Squirting – shooting out liquid in a thin jet or spray. Examining – looking closely and carefully. Eager – want very much. Murmur – a soft sound. frowned – a wrinkling of the face that shows anger, unhappiness, or confusion. CASEL COMPETENCIES Self-Awareness: Identifying personal, cultural, and linguistic assets Identifying one’s emotions Linking feelings, values, and thoughts Having a growth mindset Social Awareness: Taking others’ perspectives Recognizing strengths in others Demonstrating empathy and compassion Understanding and expressing gratitude Recognizing situational demands & opportunities Responsible Decision-Making: Demonstrating curiosity & open-mindedness Identifying solutions for problems Learning to make a reasoned judgment after analyzing information, data, facts Anticipating and evaluating the consequences of one’s actions Recognizing how critical thinking skills are useful both inside & outside of school Self-Management: Managing one’s emotions Exhibiting self-discipline and self-motivation Showing the courage to take initiative Relationship Skills: Communicating effectively Seeking or offering support & help when needed ELA COMPETENCIES Reading: Reading grade-appropriate texts independently Fluency: Using appropriate fluency when reading grade-level text. Comprehension: (G) Evaluating details to determine what is most important with adult assistance. (H) Synthesizing information to create new understanding with adult assistance. Response Skills: (D) Retelling texts in ways that maintain meaning. (F) Responding using newly acquired vocabulary. Composition: (A) dictating or composing literary texts.


    Follow-up/Enrichment Activities: Follow Up lesson # 1: Beauty Standards Review this link with examples Follow Up lesson # 2: You Are a Flower Imagine that you are a flower. What do you look like?


    Follow-up/Enrichment Activity: Follow Up lesson # 1 – Introduce Your Anxiety: Imagine what your anxiety Follow Up lesson # 2 – Calm Your Anxiety: Brainstorm with the child and create a list of things to do


    The parent/teacher and child will: Read the story of the month 'NOAH AND BUBBLES'. PreK-2 read aloud with a parent. 3-5 silent read independently) Have your child describe to you how the story made them feel, then you share how it made you feel. Have your child identify the main idea of the story (tell in their own words what the story was about.) Discuss the importance of Oliver’s character in the story. Ask your child: What made Oliver such a good friend? Ask your child to tell you about how Noah felt when his pet fish died and how it relates to an experience when they felt the same way. Discuss the 5 vocabulary words above with you child. Have your child re-tell the definitions of the 5 vocab words in their own words. Have your child write a support letter (real or pretend) to a friend who recently lost a pet to demonstrate their compassion and empathy. VOCABOLARY Grief- the response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or some living thing that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Beloved- greatly loved; dear to the heart. A person or pet who is greatly loved. Closure - a bringing to an end; conclusion. Death- the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Memorial- preserving the memory of a person or thing; commemorative. Follow-up/Enrichment Activitity: Have your child draw a picture of a beloved pet (it can be deceased or still alive) while listening to a favorite song that reminds them of the pet. CASEL COMPETENCIES Self-Awareness: Identifying one’s emotions Social Awareness: Taking others’ perspectives Demonstrating empathy and compassion Showing concern for the feelings of others Relationship Skills: Communicating effectively Seeking or offering support and help when needed ELA COMPETENCIES Reading: The student reads grade-appropriate texts independently. Fluency: The student is expected to use appropriate fluency (rate, accuracy, and prosody) when reading grade-level text. Comprehension: (E) make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society with adult assistance; (G) evaluate details to determine what is most important with adult assistance; (H) synthesize information to create new understanding with adult assistance; Response Skills: (A) describe personal connections to a variety of sources; (D) retell texts in ways that maintain meaning; (F) respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate. Composition: (A) dictate or compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry;

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