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Updated: Feb 13, 2023

The parent/teacher and child will:
  1. Read Mistake’s story of the month ‘MORE THAN ONE KIND OF FAMILY’. (PreK-2 read aloud with a parent. 3-5 silent read independently).

  2. Have the child identify the main idea of the story (tell it in their own words).

  3. Ask your child what they think about Tammy’s experience. Do they know anyone whose parents are divorced? If yes, how can they support them?

  4. If your child has been through divorce or is in the process, ask them how they feel about it. What are they worry about? What do they need to help them cope?

  5. Discuss the vocabulary words on the bottom of this page with your child.

  6. Have your child re-tell the definitions of the vocab words in their own words.

Follow Up lesson #1:

Objective: to learn and discuss different types of families.

  1. Ask your child what types of families they know.

  2. Talk about how every family is different from others.

  3. Make a list of ways in which your family is unique and different (immigrant / same gender parents / divorced / only child / faith / pets / extended family / etc.

  4. Make a poster or write a song that celebrate your unique family.

Follow Up lesson #2:

Objective: to raise awareness and support other families.

  1. Discuss the story about Tammy and think of way that Tammy’s new friends can help and support her while she is going through difficult changes in her life.

  2. Write a letter to Mistake with your suggestions so that it could share your ideas with Tammy and her friends. You can email the letter to


  1. Vacant – empty.

  2. Gloomy – dark (gloomy sky) or filled with sadness.

  3. Appalled – feeling shocked or horror.

  4. Odd – weird, different

  5. Invisible – cannot be seen.

  6. Dusk – the time of day before it gets dark.

  7. Obvious – easy to understand

  8. To comfort – to give relief from a painful or difficult situation.

  9. Harmony – a pleasant and peaceful feeling

  10. Journey – a long trip from one place to another.

  11. Uncertainty – unknown


  • Identifying one’s emotions

  • Demonstrating honesty and integrity

  • Linking feelings, values, and thoughts

  • Examining prejudices and biases

  • Experiencing self-efficacy

  • Having a growth mindset

Social Awareness:
  • Taking others’ perspectives

  • Recognizing strengths in others

  • Demonstrating empathy and compassion

  • Showing concern for the feelings of others

  • Understanding and expressing gratitude

  • Identifying diverse social norms, including unjust ones

  • Recognizing situational demands and opportunities

Responsible Decision-Making:
  • Identifying solutions for personal and social problems Learning to make a reasoned judgment after analyzing information

  • Anticipating and evaluating the consequences of one’s actions

  • Recognizing how critical thinking skills are useful both inside & outside of school


Managing one’s emotions

Identifying and using stress-management strategies

Setting personal and collective goals

Showing the courage to take initiative

Relationship Skills:

Communicating effectively

Developing positive relationships

Practicing teamwork and collaborative problem-solving

Resolving conflicts constructively

Seeking or offering support and help when needed



Reading grade-appropriate texts independently


Using appropriate fluency when reading grade-level text.


(G) Evaluating details to determine what is most important with adult assistance.

(H) Synthesizing information to create new understanding with adult assistance.

Response Skills:

(D) Retelling texts in ways that maintain meaning.

(F) Responding using newly acquired vocabulary.


(A) dictating or composing literary texts.

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