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Updated: Feb 13, 2023

The parent/teacher and child will:

  1. Read Mistake’s story of the month 'MISTAKES ARE NEW INVENTIONS'. (PreK-2 read aloud with a parent. 3-5 silent read independently)

  2. Have the child identify the main idea of the story (tell in their own words what the story was about.)

  3. Ask your child if they think we need inventions in the world and why.

  4. Have your child think of a time when things didn’t go as planned for them and share how they felt.

  5. A follow-up question – what can we do when things don’t go as expected?

  6. Discuss the vocabulary words on the bottom of this page with your child.

  7. Have your child re-tell the definitions of the vocabulary in their own words.

Follow Up lesson # 1 – Invention by You:

1. Think of something that you would like to invent.

2. Draw and describe your invention:

a. What does it do?

b. Why do we need this invention?

c. Who would use it and how?

d. What materials would you need to make it?

3. Who would you invite to be your helper? Why?

4. What would you do if your invention turns out differently than planned?

5. Create a model of your invention.

Follow Up lesson # 2 – Creativity Book:

Learn to think outside the box by doing the exercises in our Creativity book.

We would love to see your work. You can send it to:



Identifying personal, cultural, and linguistic assets

Identifying one’s emotions

Linking feelings, values, and thoughts

Experiencing self-efficacy

Having a growth mindset

Developing interests and a sense of purpose

Social Awareness:

Taking others’ perspectives

Recognizing strengths in others

Demonstrating empathy and compassion

Understanding and expressing gratitude

Recognizing situational demands & opportunities

Responsible Decision-Making:

Demonstrating curiosity & open-mindedness

Identifying solutions for problems

Learning to make a reasoned judgment after analyzing information, data, facts

Anticipating and evaluating the consequences of one’s actions

Recognizing how critical thinking skills are useful both inside & outside of school


Managing one’s emotions

Exhibiting self-discipline and self-motivation

Setting personal and collective goals

Using planning and organizational skills

Showing the courage to take initiative

Relationship Skills:

Communicating effectively

Seeking or offering support & help when needed



Reading grade-appropriate texts independently.


Using appropriate fluency when reading grade-level text.


(G) Evaluating details to determine what is most important with adult assistance.

(H) Synthesizing information to create new understanding with adult assistance.

Response Skills:

(D) Retelling texts in ways that maintain meaning.

(F) Responding using newly acquired vocabulary.


(A) dictating or composing literary texts


Croissants – a pastry roll in the shape of a crescent.

Repair – to fix.

Grumpy – in a bad mood.

Concerned – feeling worried.

Glistened – to shine or sparkle with reflected light.

Fascinating – very interesting.

Lopsided – having one side that is larger or heavier than the other: uneven.

Clever – a bright and sharp mind; intelligent.

Underestimate – thinking of something as less than it’s worth.

Commemorate – to honor.

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